Diminished Value


Since 1995, we at Auto Damage Experts, Inc. (ADE) have been serving consumers, legal professionals, insurers and repairers in auto, truck, RV etc. related inspection services. Such services include but are not limited to Pre and Post Repair inspections, In-Process Repair Monitoring, Pre-Purchase inspections, Appraisals (for total loss and legal settlement proceedings, insurance coverage etc.), Diminished Value (DV) claims, Consulting Services and Expert Testimony etc. ADE provides its services across the our great nation and does so in a most efficient and professional manner. ADE offers a no-cost-no obligation consultation. When you need help…call ADE First!


Erica Eversman’s website which contains her blog ‘Automuse’, articles she’s written, industry information (including much from the New York case) and other consumer advocacy information.  Also include on Erica’s site is a low cost ($89.95) diminished value service which is helpful in those situations where a detailed vehicle inspection and thorough report is not necessary.

This is a website from Diminished Value expert Charlie Barone. Serving Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, New York, Connecticut, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin.


This is a website that provides no cost post repair inspections. Their goal is to make sure that North Carolina vehicles are being repaired under safety guidelines and that your vehicle is returned to you at pre-accident condition in regards to function, safety, appearance and value. In addition to making sure North Carolina auto repair facilities are doing their jobs correctly; they are also making sure that the Insurance Companies are not taking advantage of their customers. All of their data is being turned over to the North Carolina Insurance Commissioners office, at their request.


This is a website where you will you’ll find day-to-day pictures taken of Bad Repairs found and the interesting stories behind them.